Everything we consume eventually comes back out, and in
other ways besides the most obvious. Many of the foods we eat are excreted through
the skin via sweat, and lends itself to the many smells of body odor.
On a side note, the author can smell poison ivy being
metabolized in his own body and excreted in this way. I can also tell the
quality and type of milk product within 20 minutes after consumption - I might
not notice "old butter" while I'm eating it on my toast, but I'll
know soon enough. Gross. Milk smells not-so-much, and pizza cheese is the
worst. I have a hard time finding people who know what I'm talking about, so if
you do, please comment(!).
Post Script:
On transformative
human effluence:
Scientist Christina Agapakis and olfactory artist Sissel
Tolaas acquired and fermented human sweat to make cheese out of it. The big
deal was the cheese made from Michael Pollan's stomach sweat (totally edible,
even for vegans!).
And on the topic of
disturbing performances:
Olivier de Sagazan's "Office Man", in the 2011
film Samsara, by Ron Fricke and Mark
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