aka Do Eukaryotes
I mean, what does it really mean to think? Don’t we
associate thinking with active, purposeful, agency? I think; thinking isn’t
something that happens to me. Or is it? Sometimes I wonder if anything we do
has intent, if anything we do is of our own volition. When we move through a
room, are we moving, or is the room moving us?
Do we wear earrings, or are the earrings wearing us (à la
Kevin Kelly’s What
Technology Wants, he asks if the earrings are actually using us to spread
the wearing of earrings by others; I wear them, you think I look cool, and then
you go ahead and wear them too, and so on, and so on).
Further afield, if we do not think the way we think we
think (pardon me), then can we say the reverse – that other things thought not
to-think are in fact thinking? What does a very simple multicellular organism do? Does it run decision making
algorithms? Here’s a piece from the end of Hidden
Scents in the chapter called “Olfactory Space and n-Dimensionality” where we’re talking about what space is, what dimensionality
is, and what it means for us to be in it and moving through it. The thing is,
our olfactory sense is more tied up with our sense of space than any other. In
some ways, it is the thing that moves us, it is the same part of our brain that
activates motion, or motility, as it is called in simpler organisms. Little
cellular buggers do something called chemotaxis, where they follow a chemical
gradient in their environment. As those critters evolve, they become more and
more liberated from their chemical environment; they can decide whether they
want to follow the gradient or not. This transition from reaction to decision,
from being a slave to one’s environment, to somewhat of a master, is the story
of the development of our own mind. And our sense of smell is a vestige of this
ancient part of us. (And to call back to the original question here, once this
organism is ‘liberated’ from its environment by its ability to decide, then
does the decision-making system now control it? Does the decision-making system
have its own rules and limitations which influence the liberated organism in
way the physical environment used to?)
Snippets from Hidden Scents
The eukaryote reacts to the chemical information it
encounters in at least two ways – positive or negative. Humans are no
different, swimming in a soup of information. Cognition aside (or does the
eukaryote think?), we navigate even the complexities of our world in this most
primary way. Every piece of information we receive is placed on this hedonic
gradient and weighed in light of all the rest until the moment we initiate an
action. The eukaryote does not move of its own accord but, instead, in response
to the things outside it. It needs these things in order to move. Ultimately,
it does not move itself; they move it. For the chemosensing organism, space is
not a void to be traversed. Space is a distribution of the potentiality for
movement. The distance between things is not important: There is no distance,
only contact.
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