Alexandra Horowitz is a teacher of psychology, animal
behavior, and canine cognition at Barnard College, Columbia University, in New
York City. She is also author of
a Dog: Following the Dog Into a World of Smell, and she knows what she’s
talking about because she learned from the best, i.e., her dogs.
There aren’t too many books out there dealing with smell
by itself – maybe as an overview of all the senses or as a guidebook to mixing perfumes,
but not about the act of smelling. The few that are there remain important
works of a rare subject, and this book is a sure addition. In Being a Dog, we get to be both a
thinking human, and the nose-brain of a dog, discovering all the information
around us that is invisible to the eye.
I would like to use this space to archive my notes; she
has some really good neologisms, and I’m into that as it is, but she also has
some real sharp one-liners: “The nose is the stepchild of the face.” –p79
First, let me take the one part where she most elucidates
the language of smell:
“In English, most
words for smells are words for their sources. To name it – to know it – we want
to know where the smell comes from. If the smell and the source are not the
same, our work is to resolve them satisfyingly.” And this is the only time we
really begin to think about smell, is when we can’t find its source, or it does
not match its source. If it “wanders off” before we figure it out, we’re
frustrated. “If the smell is traced to its source and its name, it feels truly
caught, captured, collected.” –p74
“Fleshy tetrahedron” –p1
On information
and the informant:
What the dog sees and knows through his nose is
incredibly rich. “Every inhaled gulp of air is full of information.” –p2
On what urine
can tell a dog:
Male or female, ready to mate, recently ill, having
recently eaten, and even age: “They smell their age, age is but a metabolic
process, chemistry. And chemistry smells.” –p13
While studying self-recognition
of scent, she moves a dog’s pee to another location, to try and ‘trick’ the
dog, and she calls this an “olfactory mirror.” –p24
Here is a reference I get via her mention on the smell of old books, p68:
the Odor of Old Books. Buchbauer G, Jirovetz L, Wasicky M, Nikiforov A.
Journal of Pulp and Paper Science, 1995, 21, 398-400.
Metal does not smell, but there is a thing “smell of metal” and it’s caused by
human sweat/bacteria on mental, p82:
can’t smell. Gravity doesn’t pull the mucus down from their sinus cavities, so
they’re always congested. They can’t taste their food either so it has to be
extra-flavored. –p86
Feynman smelling
books (this is one that really bothered me, because how did I not come
across this in my own research) –
A party trick of Richard Feynman was to ask three guests
to each handle a book from his library, and then he would go back and present
each book to the person. “You just smell the books.” –p104
Feynman RP. 1985. “Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman”
(pp105-106). New York: WW Norton and Co. Found via Gilbert 2008.
The editors of Grey’s
Anatomy either removed or left-out 3 muscles of the nose from the 1989
edition. Article: “The lost muscles of the nose” in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
The snarl. She goes
like this:
40% of subjects over 70 can’t flare their nostrils. But
when you try to flare your nostrils
and you can’t, it looks like you’re
making a snarl face. And so she says that this face could be communicating the
inability to smell (like, for example, when something really foul is in your
face and so you don’t want to flare
your nostrils and let it all in). Now, the snarl becomes a message of disgust (remember
the gustatory-taste origin of the
word) by saying “you are so disgusting I refuse to even smell you!”–p111
“Nasal ranger” –p118
She is reliving the memory
of an unmarked scent in a bottle, familiar, but forgotten. Immediately, as is
always the case, she asks first, “Where am I,” (an old house), and then, “Is
there anyone else here?” –p122
These two questions highlight the preferred channels by
which smell interacts with our brain, and with our memory specifically. Place and smell are tied together, and
once put together, can’t be separated easily. And maybe the only thing that can
do this separating is an overwritten memory of a person. Because people are
number two. It’s always – where was I, and who was I with. The hippocampus.
Olfactometry –p169
Osphresiology –p173
Emergency workers at Bellevue Hospital were trained on a “ten test tube sniffing bar” of common
poisons in the 1970s. –p176
Kenny JC. The valuing, educational
preparation and diagnostic use of the olfactory sense in nursing practice. Dissertation,
Adelphi University. 1989.
Orient JM, ed. Sapira’s art and science of bedside
diagnosis, 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins. 2010.
Watson L. Jacob’s organ and the remarkable nature of smell. New York: WW
Norton & Co. 2000.
Phenylhetonuria smells musty and murine (like mice urine) –p180
Alexandra Horowitz. Simon and Schuster, 2016.